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Playful Facilitation


Coaching & Wellbeing



Children's Author of True Story 'Becoming Brave'

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Hey, I'm Jennie.

​Did you know that the most intelligent species play? That play is the opposite of depression? That there is research backed by scientific evidence showing how play can increase learning, creativity, social engagement, and wellbeing, while also reducing stress? 


As an intelligent species play plays an essential role in fuelling our happiness and intelligence throughout our lives. It cracks us open and helps us to connect with ourselves and others. It shines a light where there's darkness. It evokes joy and laughter and inspires creativity. It helps us to feel safe, to take risks and to be brave.  


I've loved playing since I was a kid. I stopped for a while in an effort to be more grown-up but I really missed it. My play took the form of movement, drama, music, writing and art but it can be different for everyone.  


In my work I like to achieve serious outcomes playfully, whether that's working with individuals or groups, children or adults, facilitation or coaching, connecting with the body or building LEGO models. 


I combine my skills as a creative, educator and facilitator with my experience as a founder and CEO, coach, mentor and strategist to help clients in a diverse range of settings feel more engaged and emotionally resilient, build trust and connection, embrace risk, and plan and innovate effectively, especially in a crisis. 


For organisations who are looking for new and creative ways to engage their teams. I'll work with you to inject energy and vitality into your workplace, improve engagement and communication, build trust and connection and help your team learn to embrace risk and innovate effectively. If you're open to trying something a bit more playful then click below to find out more.

For purpose-driven creative entrepreneurs who feel stretched and overwhelmed. I'll help you to get clear on your ambitions through connecting with the body and learning to listen to the innate wisdom it holds. This will be combined with very practical coaching and mentoring where I’ll work with you to craft and deliver a two-year plan that will help you make more money sustainably, and the freedom to prioritise what matters to you. If this sounds like something you need then click below to find out more. 


For educators who want to give their children the opportunity to explore challenging emotions in an honest, sensitive, and age-appropriate way. My fun, dynamic and heart-warming assembly and workshop for Reception - Year 3 accompanies my Guardian reviewed picture book, 'Becoming Brave' and complements the 'Shield of Resilience', ‘Emotion Wheel’ and 'Managing Emotions'. Click below to find out more. â€‹

Emily Lomax

Co-Founder of WRKWLL

"Jennie designed and facilitated a bespoke two-hour play session for WRKWLL’s biannual away day to help our associates build trust and connection and review our values (one of which is being playful). 


We loved Jennie's session which brought maximum play and energy to guide us through some really tricky thinking and we left feeling energised, inspired and connected with each other."

Lou Paley

Founder of PACE and Co-Founder of Women In Jazz 

"​Jennie has been instrumental in helping my development. ​During our time together, I have grown our community of artists from 6,000 to over 10,000; built a mentoring programme in partnership with The Guildhall to encourage more artists to pursue a career in music; worked on a documentary series with drummer Jas Kayser and vocalist Celeste and launched a record label. ​As a result, I have felt motivated and massively excited about the next, exciting chapter in my career."

Laura Woolf

KS2 Teacher at Bedford Modern Junior School

"We were privileged to have Jennie deliver an assembly and workshop for our Year 3 children on the important theme of bravery. Jennie captivated the children with her heartfelt story about the loss of her husband, turning a challenging subject into a valuable lesson on courage and resilience. Her compassionate approach and ability to normalise the conversation around grief with such openness and sensitivity was truly remarkable and made a profound impact on everyone present."

Grace Pitkin

Programming and Talent Development Manager at Serious

“The participants loved Jennie's wellbeing session and commented that they found it an inspiring and relaxing space to explore new ways of connecting to their bodies and thoughts. It was the perfect addition to the week of music making. Jennie went above and beyond, not only delivering her session but taking the time to do more 1-1 coaching and mentoring chats with artists who required additional support throughout the rest of the week and taking a real interest in their music and creative development.”

Mercy Welbeck aka MEI Artistic Director & Joint CEO at Abram Wilson charity,


“What I noticed immediately (about Jennie) was how attentively she listened during our sessions. She was able to expertly guide me towards finding solutions for myself. This not only increased my confidence, but also reminded me to be resourceful and to back myself and my abilities. Jennie has such an encouraging approach to her work and a brilliant eye for spotting potential in people. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have been supported by  Jennie and I have benefited greatly from her mentorship.”

Nicky Whittaker

Head of Vinehall Pre Prep

"Jennie Cashman Wilson is an engaging and compassionate individual, who has the ability to make a meaningful connection with children. Her workshops enabled our children to explore and identify with a range of emotions and begin to understand that feelings and emotions are complex and have different facets to them-that we can be brave and scared or happy and sad at the same time. She will have undoubtedly opened the way for important conversations about themes that we find it easier to shy away from, such as love, bereavement, and grief."

Carol Reid

Programme Director at Youth Music

"With her extensive experience, Jennie ran a refreshing and engaging online session for Youth Music focused on helping attendees to understand how they could effectively leverage their networks to raise more funds. It was a dynamic, playful and interactive 90 mins which was really well received. We are now commissioning Jennie for some follow up coaching sessions to help our partners further their fundraising approach." 

Sans Soucis


"The professional and emotional support (Jennie) provided allowed me to take some crucial career turns that helped me solidify my team, build confidence in my project, as well as feel part of a wider community of musicians and artists with a similar background to mine.


Jennie is one of the most caring people I know and I feel extremely grateful for her mentoring and closeness."

Becca Phillips

Reception Class Teacher at Pilgrim Pre Prep

"I thought that the presentation was brilliant and we all thoroughly enjoyed it (I was extremely moved by the whole experience). Indeed, it prompted one of the children in my class to make a disclosure about something in his personal life that he had not previously been comfortable discussing at school at all.


Thank you Jennie for a fabulous afternoon, focussed on exploring and accepting feelings!”

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